What is Faith Bible Institute?

Faith Bible Institute (FBI) is a Bible college course for every Christian. Students will study chronologically through the ENTIRE BIBLE and systematically through every major doctrine. Yet, basic classes meet only 1 evening each week. FBI combines solid Bible teaching with an interactive DVD Video format utilizing student workbooks, charts, 3D maps and images to produce a unique and engaging learning experience. Join the over 50,000 students who have been trained through Faith Bible Institute.

We provide everything you need!

  • 300 DVD lessons

  • Textbooks & Workbooks

  • Tests and Grading

  • Report Cards & Diplomas

  • A Full Support Staff to answer any questions and assist you in making your school a success.

A Word About Your Instructor

Dr. John T. Yates (AA,BS,MAR)

Founder and Instructor of Faith Bible Institute since 1985.

Has taught verse by verse through the Bible 13 times.

Senior Pastor of Rowland Road Baptist Church (RRBC) of Monroe, LA (since 2001). Associate Pastor of RRBC (1984-2001), leading evangelistic, educational, youth, bus, children's, college, & radio ministries. Began preaching in 1978 at age 15.

Widely used as a speaker in churches, camps, revivals, schools, college campuses, and conferences throughout the United States.

Author of Faith Bible Institute's two 7 Volume Commentary Sets on the Old Testament and the New Testament, the 4 Volume Set on Theology, and works on Bible Prophecy, Angels, Scientific & Biblical Creationism, Personal Evangelism, and Discipleship Evangelism.
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Course Level and Description

Courses are on a college freshman & sophomore level. A High School diploma is not required to enroll. Current High School (9th-12th) Students may enroll no more than 3 years before their projected graduation date & must also be 14 by December 1 of the current school year. Those with advanced degrees may also enroll.

Faith Bible Institute offers courses covering every book of the Bible and every major doctrine of the Christian faith. For a full list of courses and their descriptions CLICK HERE.

Tuition, Textbooks, and Fees

Faith Bible Institute is one of the most affordable Bible Colleges around. New students can take their first semester for only $157.00* ($115.00* for subsequent semesters) and your text books with Faith Bible Institute are included. In fact, the entire 3-year course can be completed for less than what one semester's text books cost at most schools.

In addition to our already low costs, spouses and children can enroll for $70.00* each. Payment plans are also available.

CLICK HERE for a full breakdown of tuition and fees.

*Quoted prices reflect discounts for early enrollment. Enrolling after the early enrollment period will increase costs.

Choosing a Director.

One of the steps to starting a school will be choosing a Director to facilitate the class. Before the semester begins your director will receive all of the materials necessary to promote and sign up new class members. Your director will receive shipments of textbooks, workbooks, the DVD video courses, and will be responsible for administering and shipping tests back to us. Your director will also be responsible for setting up the classroom and making sure the DVD player and Television are working properly. That’s it!

Whom should I choose?

Your director must be responsible and capable of fulfilling the duties in a timely manner. This person should be someone other than the pastor and we recommend a husband and wife team. We have found that husband and wife teams usually make the best directors, but whomever you choose should be someone you would trust with these duties and who you and they feel God wants to lead this ministry in your Church.

What Now?

Ready to start your school?

Fill out your New School Data form Online! >>>>>

Fill out your New School Data form Online!

Need more information?

You can download information and promotional Videos HERE. You can also complete THIS FORM to have them mailed to you. Once you have 10 or more students you are ready to start!

Need more information?

You can download information and promotional Videos HERE. You can also complete THIS FORM to have them mailed to you. Once you have 10 or more students you are ready to start!